Netflix for Windows 8

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All Netflix for Windows 8 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Netflix for Windows 8

  • OS: Windows 8
  • Version:
  • File size: 5.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-18-08
Download Netflix for Windows 8 Netflix for Windows 8

Netflix for Windows 8 Description

Netflix for Windows 8 is a reliable and useful application especially designed for Win8 users who need to watch their favorite TV channels effortlessly. It allows you to instantly watch various TV episodes and movies from your computer.The application only runs in full screen, so if you are performing other activities, you will have to switch back and forth between Netflix for Windows 8 and your desktop.Netflix is an American online TV provider which streams shows and movies over the Internet. Netflix is only available in several countries, such as the UK, Northern Europe, Ireland and Sweden, to name just a few. Before using this application, you might need to check if the Netflix service is available in your country, otherwise you might need to use a VPN solution to help you connect to various servers and then be able to access your favorite episodes and channels instantly. Also, you need to have an active Netflix membership in order to access your favorite movies and TV channels.Netflix for Windows 8 displays all of the available movies in the current month. Also, you are able to preview the new film releases and view their video trailers.What’s more, you can even search movies by genres such as action, comedy, thriller, drama and Science-Fiction, to name a few. The left panel enables you to easily view the first ten movies or simply go back to the Home screen.Additionally, you can view the most popular movies and instantly watch as many TV episodes and movies from any device you want, but has Windows 8 installed on it.To conclude, Netflix for Windows 8 proves to be steady solution dedicated to all those who need to access their favorite TV channels and movies and watch them to their PC within seconds. �.You can free download Netflix for Windows 8 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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