Audials One

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All Audials One versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Audials One

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 11.0.48200
  • File size: 51.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-18-12
Download Audials One Audials One

Audials One Description

Audials One is a useful and quite efficient utility designed mainly to help you find and record songs from various online radio stations, to MP3 format.The application's main feature is its ability to instantly find radios by a user-defined keyword. The found stations can be grouped by popularity, alphabetically, by bitrate or 'recordability'. Recordability, in case you are wondering, refers to how suitable a radio station is for recording with automatic song cutting features. Depending on this quality, Audials One can record and save each song as a single file instead of a bulk item containing several songs. Additionally, Audials One can search for a specific artist, song or album and display the next online radio that will be playing it. If however, it fails to find it or you simply do not feel like looking for songs yourself, you can create a music wish-list, and Audials One can fulfill each one of them, recording the songs from Internet radios automatically.Another interesting feature of Audials One is the fact that it allows you to search for and record podcasts. If you have a specific one in mind, you can look it up and the program will display it in a fraction of a second. You also have the option of viewing a list of suggestions or the existing podcasts organized by category, such as comedy, education or business. This way, you can record and listen to them whenever you want.Of course, Audials One records more than just audio files. It can even record videos, DVDs and audiobooks, then convert them to the media format that you need. And in this day and age, when more and more of the online activity takes place from a hand-held device, Audials One will even provide you with an app that can work on smartphones and tablets, making it highly adaptable and easy to use.With its user-friendly interface and multiple features, Audials One truly is a useful application that you can rely on to record and save songs or videos to your computer. �.You can free download Audials One from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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