
This page displays all onlineTV versions from Softpedia
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All onlineTV versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 13.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-09-09
Download onlineTV onlineTV

onlineTV Description

With a pretty self-explanatory name, onlineTV is the kind of application that's supposed to make your life easier by allowing you watch streaming television channels and listen to radio over the Internet with just a few clicks.onlineTV does has an ace up its sleeve in the form of a special utility to let you record the content and then either burn it on discs or just organize it onto local drives.Unfortunately however, onlineTV loses some points when it comes to reliability, because the application has links that don't work anymore, something that could very easily direct users towards one of the other apps on the market.Features are nicely organized in the main window, so you can listen to radio stations from many countries worldwide, and the same criteria applies to TV channels. Plus, there's an option to view webcams across the world, but also to open some music videos listed alphabetically.Last but not least, onlineTV comes with a dedicated feature called Music 2 go that allows users to copy music files to USB sticks, iPods, PSP, PDA and CDs or DVDs on the fly. Just follow the built-in wizard and you can transfer your favorite songs on portable devices with only a few clicks.A good thing is that onlineTV doesn't require a super-machine to run properly, so you just need a decent Windows computer with an Internet connection, Windows Media Player and RealPlayer to be able to open all streams.To conclude, onlineTV offers good features and it's not at all hard to operate, so users should have no problems in enjoying a variety of multimedia content on their PCs. Read an in-depth analysis in our professional review for onlineTV �.You can free download onlineTV from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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