
This page displays all Yippy!Chat versions from Softpedia
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All Yippy!Chat versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 1.0.3
  • File size: 36.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-06-08
Download Yippy!Chat Yippy!Chat

Yippy!Chat Description

Yippy!Chat is a multi-functional instant messaging tool that supports private messaging as well as open chat rooms, voice calls, webcam conferences and sharing desktop. The software also enables you to create a list of friends who register with Yippy!, and communicate through instant messages, file transfer or screen time. Chat room supporterYippy!Chat allows you to connect to a multitude of chat rooms, supported by dedicated servers from all around the world. Thus, the software offers you the means to communicate with thousands of Yippy! users. The software displays the number of online users in each chat room and highlights the most popular ones. Additionally, Yippy! allows you to create private lists of friends with whom you can communicate by instant messages. Several animated emoticons and smiley faces are available, for enlivening the dialog. Moreover, you may transfer files, share desktops or start live calls from one computer to another. Environment for live communicationYippy!Chat is designed to offer you multiple modes of live communication, aside from the instant messaging function. You may share your desktop and allow one or more users to connect to it and view the activity on your screen. Moreover, you can start live voice calls, from one station to another or create a video conference, via the webcam. The software supports high quality calls, depending on your Internet connection. You may communicate with any user who is registered with Yippy!, by sending them an invitation to add them to your list of friends. Live dialog with a certain friend requires that they approve of your invitation.Easy to use and reliable live messenger clientA simple to use application, Yippy!Chat ensures a fast connection and live communication with other Yippy! users, from multiple chat rooms. Additionally, you may create a list of friends, based on mutual approved invitations. Moreover, the software supports live voice calls, webcam conferences or desktop sharing, for direct communication between users. �.You can free download Yippy!Chat from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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