PostgreSQL Code Factory

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All PostgreSQL Code Factory versions from Softpedia sources and versions

PostgreSQL Code Factory

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-08-02
Download PostgreSQL Code Factory PostgreSQL Code Factory

PostgreSQL Code Factory Description

PostgreSQL Code Factory will offer users the possibility to perform SQL queries and to manage their scripts. The application also provides you with a powerful set of tools to edit and execute SQL scripts, build visual diagrams for numeric data, customize user interface according to your needs and much more.With all these features our software will be an everyday assistant in your work with PostgreSQL database server. Here are some key features of "PostgreSQL Code Factory":Visual Query Builder: PostgreSQL Code Factory provides you with the powerful tool intended for designing queries as visual diagrams. This tool does not require any knowledge of the SELECT statement syntax, it will form a query automatically, you just need to mark what information you want to retrieve;Handy SQL Editor with code folding and syntax highlighting to prevent mistakes in syntax at once. Also it is possible to separate SQL scripts into regions that can be individually collapsed or expanded;Simultaneous executing of several queries with multi-threading in order to continue your work with the software while the query is executing;Advanced data management: viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering abilities to analyze the data in the most convenient way;Data export to as many as 14 file formats including Excel, RTF and HTML;Data import from Excel, CSV, text files and more;Powerful BLOB Viewer/Editor: with PostgreSQL Code Factory you can view or edit BLOB data in the following ways: hexadecimal dump, plain text, graphical image or HTML page. A graphical representation of BLOB data supports five image formats: BMP, Windows metafile, JPEG, GIF and PNG. Requirements:Pentium PC or higher;64 MB RAM (128 MB recommended);10 MB of free hard disk space;SVGA-compatible video adapter;Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. Limitations:30 days trial Nag screen What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]DBMS-related features:Support for keyboard interactive SSH authentication has been implemented. This method provides for a multiple challenge-response dialog with the user in which the server sends a text query to the user, the user types in a response, and this process can repeat any number of times to ensure that the client is a human.Get SQL Dump wizard has been significantly updated:Now it is possible to rename output columns in the result SQL script. To set a new target column name, enter a value to the Target column in the grid at the first step of the wizard.You can also change the order of output columns using the appropriate commands of the popup menu or Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcuts.Starting with this version it is possible to specify the SQL syntax the result script to be written on. This feature allows you to restore the dump contents to a table in a different database server such as PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, or SQLite.Starting wit... �.You can free download PostgreSQL Code Factory from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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