Navicat for MariaDB

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All Navicat for MariaDB versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Navicat for MariaDB

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 11.0.16
  • File size: 11.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-12-01
Download Navicat for MariaDB Navicat for MariaDB

Navicat for MariaDB Description

Navicat for MariaDB is a comprehensive and effective software solution especially intended for database administrators who need to manage and organize multiple MariaDB objects such as tables, triggers, indexes, procedures and queries.With its well-designed and intuitive interface, the application lets you quickly and easily create, access and share information in a secure way.The main toolbar allows you to access basic objects and features such as connections, views, functions, events and backups. The left panel displays a hierarchical tree that allows you to navigate through multiple connections, databases and other objects including reports and queries.As far as the security is concerned, the program establishes a secure connection through SSH, so you can enjoy a strong authentication and encrypted communications between two hosts. This way, you are able to share your scripts while protecting them against unauthorized access.The ‘Object Designer’ option allows you to create, modify and design database objects effortlessly. Since you are not required to write complex SQL scripts in order to edit the objects, even novice users are able to work with this application.Another option that helps you work with your database objects is entitled ‘Table Viewer’. It enables you to navigate through thousands of records using built-in features such as sorting and hiding columns, or simply using assistant editors.What’s more, because of the ‘Reverse engineering’ feature that the program comes with, you are able to create a database model from an existing one and easily visualize and edit its structure. Or, you can create a personal model then generate a database that supports it.To wrap it up, Navicat for MariaDB proves to be a steady solution when it comes to managing multiple MariaDB connections, running various SQL scripts, creating tables and organizing procedures, triggers and primary / foreign keys. �.You can free download Navicat for MariaDB from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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