Navicat for MariaDB

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All Navicat for MariaDB versions from Brothersoft sources and versions

Navicat for MariaDB

  • OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP/2008
  • Version: 11.0.12
  • File size: 11.70MB
  • Date Added: 2013-18-12
Download Navicat for MariaDB Navicat for MariaDB

Navicat for MariaDB Description

Navicat for MariaDB is a Development software developed by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Navicat for MariaDB:

Navicat for MariaDB provide a native environment for MariaDB database management and administration.It works with any MariaDB database servers from version 5.1 or above and supports all MariaDB objects types.MariaDB database are not only support the majority of features, it also sustain the additional functions. Secure Connection, for the secure connection, MariDB establish a secure SSH session through SSH Tunneling in Navicat. You can enjoy a strong authentication and secure encrypted communications between two hosts.The authentication methods can use a password or public/private key pair and Navicat comes with HTTP Tunneling while your ISPs do not allow direct connections to their database servers but allow establishing HTTP connections. HTTP Tunneling is a method for connecting to a server that use the same protocol and the same port as a webserver does. Object Designer, you can create, modify and design database objects using our professional object designers. Object designer is available for all database objects such as Tables, Views, Functions, Procedures and Events. Your design work will get easier and efficient because you do not need to write complex SQL to create or edit the objects and you will know exactly what options you are working on. SQL Builder or Editor, Visual SQL Builder allows you to create and edit queries or views visually without having to learn the syntax and proper usage of commands. It is divided into two portions, the upper Graphical View and the lower Syntax View. You just have to choose the operation you would like to perform over the tables and it will write the SQL Statements for you.Code completion,experience a quick way in constructing SQL statements in SQL editor with our code completion feature. Whether you want to select available properties of database objects or SQL keywords, all it takes is a pick from the drop-down list. �.You can free download Navicat for MariaDB from Brothersoft now.
Source: Brothersoft

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