Navicat for PostgreSQL

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All Navicat for PostgreSQL versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Navicat for PostgreSQL

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 11.0.16
  • File size: 11.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-12-01
Download Navicat for PostgreSQL Navicat for PostgreSQL

Navicat for PostgreSQL Description

Navicat for PostgreSQL comes in handy for database administrators and for users who need to quickly manage and organize as many PostgreSQL connections as they want.Using this application you are able to connect to any local or remote PostgreSQL database server, create and execute queries, functions, triggers and SQL scripts, synchronize data and generate various reports effortlessly.The Object Designer function allows you to quickly create, modify and design database objects such as tables, functions and triggers, to name a few, set primary keys, view all the available foreign keys and preview the SQL script.Using the ‘SQL Builder’ option you are able to create and edit queries and views without having to learn the proper usage of commands. It is divided into two sections that allow you to view the tables (which are connected between their primary keys) and the syntax. All you have to do is to choose the operation you want to perform over the tables and generate all the SQL statements automatically.What’s more, the application comes with a code completion feature so you can create SQL scripts effortlessly. Whether you want to select specific commands or available properties of database objects, you can choose specific scripts from the drop-down list.Furthermore, you can even create a database model from an existing database and edit its structure using the ‘Reverse Engineer’ option. Or, you can simply create a model then generate a database that is able to support your model.Considering the data manipulation tools that each program comes with, Navicat for PostgreSQL allows you to import data into a table from diverse formats such as Access, TXT, CSV or JSON, transfer data between multiple databases, perform regular backups and schedule or run profiles at a specific time.In closing, Navicat for PostgreSQL comes in handy for users who need to manage and organize various PostgreSQL objects, create tables, as well as analyze triggers and views. �.You can free download Navicat for PostgreSQL from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

Navicat for PostgreSQL

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 11.0.9
  • File size: 11.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-08-08
Download Navicat for PostgreSQL Navicat for PostgreSQL

Navicat for PostgreSQL Description

Navicat for PostgreSQL is a useful and reliable application that enables you to easily manage and organize your PostgreSQL tables, insert SQL queries, view the relationships between tables and more.Easy installation and intuitive interface make it an irreplaceable tool for PostgreSQL on the web or your local desktop. Navicat for PostgreSQL lets you converts Access to PostgreSQL, MS SQL to PostgreSQL, Excel to PostgreSQL, synchronizes and backups database in a snap through helpful wizards. Major features include Visual Query Builder, Import/ Export, Report Builder, Backup/ Restore, SSH Tunneling and Data Transfer. Navicat for PostgreSQL also supports to import data from ODBC, batch job scheduling (create schedule for Import/Export, Data Transfer and saved queries), printing of table structure.Navicat for PostgreSQL also includes a full featured graphical manager for setting the users and access privileges. It delivers a personal experience, simplifying the way you work. �.You can free download Navicat for PostgreSQL from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

Navicat for PostgreSQL

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 11.0.8
  • File size: 11.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-08-07
Download Navicat for PostgreSQL Navicat for PostgreSQL

Navicat for PostgreSQL Description

Navicat for PostgreSQL is a useful and reliable application that enables you to easily manage and organize your PostgreSQL tables, insert SQL queries, view the relationships between tables and more.Easy installation and intuitive interface make it an irreplaceable tool for PostgreSQL on the web or your local desktop. Navicat for PostgreSQL lets you converts Access to PostgreSQL, MS SQL to PostgreSQL, Excel to PostgreSQL, synchronizes and backups database in a snap through helpful wizards. Major features include Visual Query Builder, Import/ Export, Report Builder, Backup/ Restore, SSH Tunneling and Data Transfer. Navicat for PostgreSQL also supports to import data from ODBC, batch job scheduling (create schedule for Import/Export, Data Transfer and saved queries), printing of table structure.Navicat for PostgreSQL also includes a full featured graphical manager for setting the users and access privileges. It delivers a personal experience, simplifying the way you work. �.You can free download Navicat for PostgreSQL from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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