Private exe Protector

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All Private exe Protector versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Private exe Protector

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 4.2.5
  • File size: 4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-01
Download Private exe Protector Private exe Protector

Private exe Protector Description

Software developers are well aware that their product, especially the ones that require a license which has to be purchased, may become the target of individuals who will try to circumvent the licensing system, get passed limitations or disassemble the applications to get to the code.There are ways of locking or scrambling the code, but a simpler way would be to enlist the help of a tool like Private exe Protector. It features a clean interface, with a good set of features to ensure the apps are safe from cracking and reverse engineering attempts.This program supports the creation of independent projects, so you can store and modify them more easily in case the product receives an update or if you notice that other adjustments are needed.As soon as you load the target application, Private exe Protector enables you to modify the name and version. The protection scope includes several options you can activate, like enforcing a file size correspondence between all copies, more precisely, they should have the same dimension as the original one.You can further secure the program you developed by making it runnable only with administrative rights and having a single executed process in memory. It is also possible to apply debug and trace block or the so-called 'anti-dump' mode.Insofar as the licensing is concerned, Private exe Protector has to offer quite a few choices. Thus, you have the opportunity to configure an expiration date, set use limitations for executions and days of usage, as well as restrain the application execution time according to your preferences.Other restrictions that can be applied refer to the license ID which may depend on hardware and platform, only on hardware or it can be independent. You can even create a blacklist where certain users and their corresponding activations keys are blocked.To conclude, it's safe to say that Private exe Protector is sure to come in handy for anyone looking for an easy to use means of securing their work. �.You can free download Private exe Protector from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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