Torrent File Hash Checker

Torrent File Hash Checker
  • Downloads: 180
  • Requirements: Windows XP
  • Size: 22 KB
  • Licence: Freeware
  • Version: 1.0
  • 2013-01-09
  • Publisher Site:

Torrent File Hash Checker


Torrent File Hash Checker compares the content of the original TORRENT file with the downloaded files in order to verify the file integrity.Torrent File Hash Checker analyzes the downloaded files and compares them with their counterpart TORRENT file, displaying an error if the contents are not identical.
Torrent File Hash Checker compares the content of the original TORRENT file with the downloaded files in order to verify the file integrity.Torrent File Hash Checker analyzes the downloaded files and compares them with their counterpart TORRENT file, displaying an error if the contents are not identical.  . you can free download Torrent File Hash Checker now.
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