BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87

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All BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 1.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-04
Download BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87 BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87

BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87 Description

BitTorrent Sync offers a convenient, fast and most importantly, secure method to synchronize folders across multiple computers. This way, you can easily access your important documents and other files without having to transfer them manually.During the installation procedure, you are prompted to select the directory to sync and the application automatically generates the secret code that you must share with other computers in order to allow access to that particular folder.The application is very easy to handle, especially since it welcomes you with a tutorial at first launch. As mentioned above, its major advantage is security, since only invited users (to whom you give the secret code) can access your shared folders. In addition to this, it does not rely on cloud servers, which avoids the danger of data interception.There is no limit on the number of directories that BitTorrent Sync can store, so you can add as many folders as you want and create a secret access key for each. Moreover, the application provides support for files of any size.Any modification you make in a shared folder is automatically synchronized across all the devices that have the application installed. Data transfers can be monitored in the main window of BitTorrent Sync, while the history of actions is available in its designated tab.You can also sync content with a mobile device. To do so, you must scan the QR code generated by the desktop application with your mobile app.BitTorrent Sync keeps your folders up-to-date on multiple computers or handheld devices. The principle it relies on ensures data security, since only users who have the correct code can access a shared directory. �.You can free download BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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BitTorrent Sync 1.3.87


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