
This page displays all Gabatto2share versions from Softpedia
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All Gabatto2share versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows Vista
  • Version: 2.4.1
  • File size: 22.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-01-09
Download Gabatto2share Gabatto2share

Gabatto2share Description

File synchronization ensures you that you have a reliable backup plan in case that you lose files due to data corruption or hardware failure. Gabatto2share is a handy piece of software that can help you keep all your important or personal files synchronized to a remote server. In order to properly work, the application requires you to have .Net Framework installed and running on your computer.Reliable utility for remote file synchronization The program allows you to perform various file synchronizations from your computer to a remote server. This helps you create backup for your files and ensure data integrity, since you have two restore points, one saved on your computer and the other on a server.Furthermore, the communication between your computer and the remote server is bidirectional, meaning that you can synchronize files from the server to your computer or vice versa. In this manner, all files are automatically kept updated to the latest version. Intuitive sync tool that can be scheduledGabatto2share provides you with an efficient way of keeping all your files updated, by scheduling automatic synchronizations. In addition, it offers you several other tools fit for enterprise computing, such as document change history, error reporting, permanent file loss prevention, file recovery, and file locking.Aside from this, you can quickly connect to your servers using other bundled programs, such as WinSCP and putty. Using these, you can easily manage the files stored on your server, or change the permissions for each one.A dependable and sturdy synchronization programAll in all, Gabatto2share is ideal for keeping files synchronized and safe, stored on a remote server. Offering scheduled synchronization, file recovery and locking, the application confers you robust tools for maintaining your files updated and safe on various remote servers. �.You can free download Gabatto2share from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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