Email Address Checker

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All Email Address Checker versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Email Address Checker

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 94.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-18-03
Download Email Address Checker Email Address Checker

Email Address Checker Description

When creating a database of email addresses that you want to use for your future marketing campaigns, it is best to use only working addresses, to ensure that your message gets to all your customers. Email Address Checker is a reliable solution that can help you check all the email addresses you specify, while also helping you organize them in a neatly organized database.Intuitive email organizer and validatorThe graphic interface of user-friendly, so that even business owners who are not experts when it comes to computers still identify the app’s functions. You will need to enter the company name and the full name of the person of contact, as well as the email address and some optional brief notes. Before you add this record to your database, you can rely on Email Address Checker to validate the address - needless to say, if an error is triggered, you should not add the email address to the list. You will be able to sort all entries by company or person names, notes, added date and time, or even by their validity status. Moreover, you can also search for a specific keyword within a column of your choosing.Easily export email listsOnce you have finished adding all your business contacts within Email Address Checker, you can export the database to XLS, RTF or XML, so you can further process the items, or you can simply print it. Additionally, you can manually select the columns you want to include within the lists that should be exported to a given format. ConclusionAll in all, Email Address Checker can be a handy application for all those who want to validate emails before adding them to a database. They can also sort the email list and export it to various output formats, while also searching for keywords without leaving the app. �.You can free download Email Address Checker from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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