Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird

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All Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 4.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-16-01
Download Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird

Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird Description

Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird is a user-friendly tool designed specifically for the Thunderbird mail client, enabling you to quickly find and remove duplicate emails from your mailfolders.The program allows you to select the preferred Thunderbird profile and by pressing the 'Scan for Duplicates' button, it will analyze the mailfolders and display the results in two panels, one for 'Originals' and one for 'Duplicates'.Note that when you launch Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird, it will close Thunderbird, if it is running, and reopen it when you finish working with the application.Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird lets you to get rid of copies from a variety of folders and subfolders, in batch mode, enabling you to wipe numerous superfluous emails with just one push of a button. It cleans messages, attachments and embedded graphics, under several user-defined conditions.This efficient utility can remove unnecessary files, that eat up a lot of space on your computer, while also allowing you to neatly organize your emails and successfully monitor the handling of all messages.Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird provides you with two comparison methods, 'Standard' and 'Light'. Using the 'Standard' method, messages will be compared in terms of contents (Header, body text) and attachments. The 'Comparison Criteria' section enables you to set which Headers or attachments to exclude from the analysis. The 'Light' comparison method uses message identifiers (message IDs) to determine which items are duplicates or original.This tool helps you automatically clean duplicates upon detection, but you can also discard copies manually, after the scan, from the main window of the program, using the 'Wipe' or 'Transfer' button. Removed items will be displayed in strike-out text.To conclude, Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird is a useful software solution, that enables you to keep your mailfolders tidy and organized, by removing duplicates and helping you sort out copies from originals. �.You can free download Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 4.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-29-12
Download Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird

Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird Description

Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird is a user-friendly tool designed specifically for the Thunderbird mail client, enabling you to quickly find and remove duplicate emails from your mailfolders.The program allows you to select the preferred Thunderbird profile and by pressing the 'Scan for Duplicates' button, it will analyze the mailfolders and display the results in two panels, one for 'Originals' and one for 'Duplicates'.Note that when you launch Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird, it will close Thunderbird, if it is running, and reopen it when you finish working with the application.Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird lets you to get rid of copies from a variety of folders and subfolders, in batch mode, enabling you to wipe numerous superfluous emails with just one push of a button. It cleans messages, attachments and embedded graphics, under several user-defined conditions.This efficient utility can remove unnecessary files, that eat up a lot of space on your computer, while also allowing you to neatly organize your emails and successfully monitor the handling of all messages.Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird provides you with two comparison methods, 'Standard' and 'Light'. Using the 'Standard' method, messages will be compared in terms of contents (Header, body text) and attachments. The 'Comparison Criteria' section enables you to set which Headers or attachments to exclude from the analysis. The 'Light' comparison method uses message identifiers (message IDs) to determine which items are duplicates or original.This tool helps you automatically clean duplicates upon detection, but you can also discard copies manually, after the scan, from the main window of the program, using the 'Wipe' or 'Transfer' button. Removed items will be displayed in strike-out text.To conclude, Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird is a useful software solution, that enables you to keep your mailfolders tidy and organized, by removing duplicates and helping you sort out copies from originals. �.You can free download Duplicates Detective for Thunderbird from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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