
This page displays all SVDownloader versions from Softpedia
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All SVDownloader versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.4.4
  • File size: 11.8 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-23-06
Download SVDownloader SVDownloader

SVDownloader Description

SVDownloader is a straightforward application built specifically for helping you download video files from the Internet. It boasts an intuitive interface that offers quick access to the running tasks, downloaded files and completed downloading sessions. SVDownloader features a powerful built-in search engine that allows users to look for different web videos on the fly. You can select the video-sharing websites from a preset list (e.g. YouTube, Metacafe, Myvideo) or insert a valid URL in the dedicated box.The search results are displayed in the primary panel, and you can view the videos before actually downloading them. It is possible to start, pause or stop the current downloading task, as well as delete it. The program offers time estimation for completing the job, and you can view details about the status, size and speed at the end of the downloading process. Additional settings give users the possibility of specifying a default saving directory and the maximum number of retry times, making the application run at Windows startup, changing proxy settings and adding details about each video by specifying the title and inserting a description. What’s more, you can activate the encryption feature by setting up passwords, scan the downloaded files with the specified antivirus program, and enable Clipboard monitoring for items with the different formats (e.g. AVI, MPG, MOV, ASF). During our testing we have noticed that the program is able to download videos very quickly and without errors throughout the entire process. All things considered, SVDownloader is a simple-to-use download manager that can be configured even by less experienced users. �.You can free download SVDownloader from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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