Remote Computer Manager

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All Remote Computer Manager versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Remote Computer Manager

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 6.0.4
  • File size: 3.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-14-12
Download Remote Computer Manager Remote Computer Manager

Remote Computer Manager Description

Remote Computer Manager is a straightforward and practical software solution whose main purpose is to help network administrators manage multiple computers, view IP configurations and control as many remote settings as they want.The application sports an intuitive interface and displays in the left panel all the made connections. Firstly, you need to create a new group from where you can easily control all the remote hosts. Then, insert the host you want by specifying details such as name, set the IP range and start scanning your network. The utility identifies all the available computers from your local network displaying information such as workgroup or domain, MAC and IP addresses.Using Remote Computer Manager you are able to perform various operations such as remote shutdown, Wake-on-LAN, remote lock station and unlock input devices.After the utility scans your entire local network and identifies the available hosts, it enables you to check the status for each one. A small message will be displayed to the bottom of the main window. You can also make further changes for the selected host by changing the hardware control settings or set the ping method.Considering the purpose for which Remote Computer Manager was designed, you can access helpful options that allow you to manage and control as many remote computers as you want. You can apply settings for all the existing groups of for separate PCs.Simply choose the group in the left side of the interface then use the ‘Settings’ tab, that automatically appears when you select a computer or a group. You can change the name that is displayed in the list of remote computers, set OS authentication settings and receive the MAC address for each PC.What’s more, you can get the list of remote processes and services, netstat information, entries from registry and other details for each PC.To wrap it up, Remote Computer Manager proves to be a steady and reliable network utility worth having when you need to centrally manage network PCs and perform remote actions. �.You can free download Remote Computer Manager from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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