Note Recorder

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All Note Recorder versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Note Recorder

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.6
  • File size: 9.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-22-08
Download Note Recorder Note Recorder

Note Recorder Description

Keeping track of an entire lecture can get tiring at times, especially if you also have to write the information down at the same time. Alternatively, you can type the information at your computer, but you can still miss information even so, in case you get distracted. Record notes using your microphoneNote Recorder is a software utility designed to lend you a helping hand when it comes to the way you store important information, by providing you with a friendly environment to record and organize both written and audio notes. Hence, all the data is neatly stored into the database, from where it can be easily retrieved whenever you require it.In order to create a new note, all you have to do is start typing or recording, depending on how you want to store the information. In the case of an audio note, your computer needs to be equipped with a microphone device, so that it can capture the surrounding sound. As for the text, you can apply almost any type of formatting on it, including bullet lists, font color and text alignment.Export audio notes to your computerOnce you are done recording the desired note, you can either choose to keep it into the database and retrieve it whenever you need it, or you can simply export it to your computer as a regular audio file. The output formats supported by the application include MP3, WMA and WAV, depending on the quality level you are looking for.As far as the database is concerned, it is possible to perform backup operations on it and assure yourself that the information is protected. In case you ever need to, the previous backup can be easily restored back into place, by simply selecting the file containing the database from your computer.A practical and useful lecture recorderTo conclude with, Note Recorder provides you with a useful service, especially since it can be used both for written and audio recordings. In addition, the simple and intuitive user interface make the application a good choice even for less experienced computers, while still remaining powerful enough to handle slightly more advanced features. �.You can free download Note Recorder from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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