Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • Downloads: 144
  • Requirements: Windows XP
  • Size: 16.7 MB
  • Licence: Ad-supported
  • Version: 11.48
  • 2013-08-05
  • Publisher Site:

Advanced Uninstaller PRO


Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a software that can help you optimize your computer by uninstalling programs and repairing the Windows registry keys.In the "General Tools" tab, you can uninstall programs (and use a search function), start an installation monitor, configure programs which automatically run at system startup, start a "Services Manager", as well as run a quick cleaner on your web browsers, Recycle Bin, Run history, recent documents and temp files.You can also hide, show, sort and clean items in the start menu, remove fonts and manage "Control Panel". In addition, you can look for duplicate files, apply live file compression, use a shredder to delete files beyond recovery and access Internet browser tools (browsing history, cookie manager, addons, temporary Internet files).Furthermore, you can clean, optimize, backup and restore the Windows registry entries, view reports on inst
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a software that can help you optimize your computer by uninstalling programs and repairing the Windows registry keys.In the "General Tools" tab, you can uninstall programs (and use a search function), start an installation monitor, configure programs which automatically run at system startup, start a "Services Manager", as well as run a quick cleaner on your web browsers, Recycle Bin, Run history, recent documents and temp files.You can also hide, show, sort and clean items in the start menu, remove fonts and manage "Control Panel". In addition, you can look for duplicate files, apply live file compression, use a shredder to delete files beyond recovery and access Internet browser tools (browsing history, cookie manager, addons, temporary Internet files).Furthermore, you can clean, optimize, backup and restore the Windows registry entries, view reports on inst  . you can free download Advanced Uninstaller PRO now.
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