Universal USB Installer

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All Universal USB Installer versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Universal USB Installer

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 1.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-28-08
Download Universal USB Installer Universal USB Installer

Universal USB Installer Description

Universal USB Installer is a very easy to use application that allows you to run a live Linux distribution from a portable USB flash drive.Although Linux isn't quite addressed to beginners but you still want to try this version of operating system, don't worry because Universal USB Installer relies on a fairly user-friendly approach.The whole process of copying a Linux distribution on a removable USB device has been designed as a wizard, so you just need to follow a total of three steps to get the job done.First of all, choose the Linux distribution you wish to use. It doesn't really matter whether you want Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Linux Mint, Universal USB Installer supports them all. And not only that the application comes with support for both older and newer versions of the most popular Linux distributions, but it also provides direct download links to lend you a hand in case you don't have the ISO file on your local hard disk.Secondly, provide the location to the ISO and it doesn't matter whether you downloaded it through Universal USB Installer or the file was already there on the hard disk. And the last step, choose the USB drive you wish to use, decide whether a format is necessary and set a persistent file size for storing changes. The bigger, the better.After that, just wait. It doesn't take more than five minutes and Universal USB Installer does an amazing job, proving to be very effective for most of the supported Linux distributions.All in all, Universal USB Installer is one of the easiest ways to make your first steps into the world of Linux and it comes with an impressive list of supported Linux distributions. �.You can free download Universal USB Installer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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