
This page displays all CurrPorts versions from Softpedia
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All CurrPorts versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 2.09
  • File size: 80 KB
  • Date Added: 2013-18-05
Download CurrPorts CurrPorts

CurrPorts Description

CurrPorts is a lightweight application that can provide you with the list of all opened ports on your computer. It is a useful tool if you want to know the program that is using a specific TCP or UDP port. The interface of the program is simple and displays a list with all the executable files that communicate through the TCP or UDP ports. You can view various details such as the process name, the remote address and the process path. The established connections are marked with green and the unidentified applications with red. This enables you to easily notice the active connections and the potentially dangerous ones by just looking at the list.If an application from the list is not required or unidentified you can immediately close the connection or kill the process. The information about the file location enables you to locate the executable and to remove it from your computer if it proves to be dangerous.You can generate a HTML report with the collected information and save it to your hard drive for later analysis. The report can include all items or you can filter the list by using the process, port or remote address.The information displayed in the main window can be customized by selecting the columns that you want to view. You can also enable the automatic refresh if you want to update the list of applications by using a preset time interval.CurrPorts is a practical tool for viewing and managing the opened TCP or UDP ports on your computer. If you need a detailed report about the used ports, this program can help you. Read an in-depth analysis in our professional review for CurrPorts �.You can free download CurrPorts from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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