
This page displays all Unicorn versions from Softpedia
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All Unicorn versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: FREE
  • Version: 4.8.0
  • File size:
  • Date Added: 2014-12-01
Download Unicorn Unicorn

Unicorn Description

Unicorn is a fork of the Mongrel HTTP server and library, designed to run on LAN/localhost configurations.Unicorn is an open source project. Here are some key features of"Unicorn":Designed for Rack, Unix, fast clients, and ease-of-debuggingMostly written in Ruby, only the HTTP parserProcess managementLoad balancingDoes not care if your application is thread-safe or notSupports all Rack applicationsBuilt-in reopening of all log files in your application via USR1 signalnginx-style binary re-execution without losing connectionsCan be used with copy-on-write-friendly memory management to save memoryAble to listen on multiple interfaces including UNIX sockets What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]This release contains fairly major internal workings of master-to-worker notifications. The master process no longer sends signals to workers for most tasks. This works around some compatibility issues with some versions of the"pg"gem (and potentially any other code which may not handle EINTR properly). One extra benefit is it also helps stray workers notice a rare, unexpected master death more easily. Workers continue to (and will always) accept existing signals for compatibility with tools/scripts which may signal workers.PID file are always written early (even on upgrade) again to avoid breaking strange monitoring setups which use PID files. Keep in mind we have always discouraged monitoring based on PID files as they are fragile.We now avoid bubbling IOError to the Rack app on premature client disconnects when streaming the input body. This is usually not a problem with nginx, but may be on some LAN setups without nginx).GNUmakefile: add"check"target for running all tests.... �.You can free download Unicorn from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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